首页 > 小程序教程 > 微信小程序实现搜索栏功能搜索历史搜索结果页面模板制作设计


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<import src="/wxSearch/wxSearch.wxml" />
<import src="../template/activity/common-list.wxml" />
<view class="wxSearch-section">
  <view class="search-pancel">
    <input bindinput="wxSearchInput" bindfocus="wxSerchFocus" value="{{wxSearchData.value}}" bindblur="wxSearchBlur" name="input" confirm-type="搜索" class="search-input" placeholder="请输入关键字..."></input>
    <button bindtap="findEach" class="search-button" form-type="submit" size="mini" plain="true">
      <icon type="search" color="#959595" size="12" />
<template is="wxSearch" data="{{wxSearchData}}" />
<view class="scontainer">
  <view class="bg">
    <view class="choose_user" style="border-bottom:1rpx solid #e6e6e6;">
      <view class="choose_user_item" style="color:#{{tradeType==0?'fff':'118fff'}};background:#{{tradeType==0?'118fff':'fff'}};" bindtap="choseTradeType" id="0">全部</view>
      <view class="choose_user_item" style="color:#{{tradeType==1?'fff':'118fff'}};background:#{{tradeType==1?'118fff':'fff'}};" bindtap="choseTradeType" id="1">运动</view>
      <view class="choose_user_item" style="color:#{{tradeType==2?'fff':'118fff'}};background:#{{tradeType==2?'118fff':'fff'}};" bindtap="choseTradeType" id="2">游戏</view>
      <view class="choose_user_item" style="color:#{{tradeType==3?'fff':'118fff'}};background:#{{tradeType==3?'118fff':'fff'}};" bindtap="choseTradeType" id="3">交友</view>
      <view class="choose_user_item" style="color:#{{tradeType==4?'fff':'118fff'}};background:#{{tradeType==4?'118fff':'fff'}};" bindtap="choseTradeType" id="4">旅行</view>
      <view class="choose_user_item" style="color:#{{tradeType==5?'fff':'118fff'}};background:#{{tradeType==5?'118fff':'fff'}};" bindtap="choseTradeType" id="5">读书</view>
      <view class="choose_user_item" style="color:#{{tradeType==6?'fff':'118fff'}};background:#{{tradeType==6?'118fff':'fff'}};" bindtap="choseTradeType" id="6">竞赛</view>
      <view class="choose_user_item" style="color:#{{tradeType==7?'fff':'118fff'}};background:#{{tradeType==7?'118fff':'fff'}};" bindtap="choseTradeType" id="7">电影</view>
      <view class="choose_user_item" style="color:#{{tradeType==8?'fff':'118fff'}};background:#{{tradeType==8?'118fff':'fff'}};" bindtap="choseTradeType" id="8">音乐</view>
      <view class="choose_user_item" style="color:#{{tradeType==9?'fff':'118fff'}};background:#{{tradeType==9?'118fff':'fff'}};" bindtap="choseTradeType" id="9">其他</view>

  <view class="index-container">
    <view wx:if="{{moodList.length == 0}}">
      <view class="imgitem">
        <image src="/static/images/norecord1.png" class="empty_img"></image>
      <view class="txtitem">
        <text class="t28rpx">检索不到活动</text>
    <view wx:if="{{moodList.length > 0}}">
      <view class="activities" wx:for="{{moodList}}" wx:key="id">
        <view class="activity" wx:if="{{item.acttype == tradeType || tradeType == 0}}" index="{{index}}">
          <view class="list_header">
            <view class="list_header_left">
              <image mode="aspectFill" src="{{item.publisherPic}}" wx:if="publisherPic"></image>
          <view class="horizontal">
            <view class="tag tag_{{item.acttype}}">{{item.acttypename}}</view>
            <text class="title">{{ item.title }}</text>
          <image mode="aspectFill" class="photo" src="{{item.actPic}}" wx:if="{{item.actPic}}" data-actid="{{item.id}}" data-pubid='{{item.publisherId}}' bindtap="click_activity"></image>
          <text class="intro">{{item.content}}</text>
            <text class="time">有效时间:{{ item.endtime }}</text>
            <text class="location">活动地点:{{ item.address }}</text>
          <view class="content-date list_header_right">
            <image src="/static/images/calendar.png"></image>
            <image src="/static/images/comments.png"></image>
            <text class="">{{item.commentnum}}</text>
            <image src="/static/images/home-like.png"></image>
            <text class="">{{item.likenum}}</text>
      <view class="loadingmore">
        <view class="no-more">---无更多活动---</view>

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/*common list end */
/*topic list*/

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.activity {
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
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  margin-right: 10rpx;

.horizontal .recommend {
  background: #118fff;
  color: #fff;

.horizontal .tag_1 {
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  color: #fff;

.horizontal .tag_2 {
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  color: #fff;

.horizontal .tag_3 {
  background: #3688ff;
  color: #fff;

.horizontal .title {
  font-size: 30rpx;
  color: #333;
  text-align: left;

.activity .photo {
  width: 670rpx; /* 670rpx */
  height: 320rpx;
  box-shadow: 0 10rpx 15rpx rgba(0, 0, 0, .1); 
  border-radius: 12rpx;
  overflow: hidden;
  margin: 10rpx 0;

.activity .intro {
  font-size: 28rpx;
  color: #666;
  padding: 10rpx 0;
  text-align: justify;

.activity .time {
  font-size: 28rpx;
  color: #999;
  text-align: justify;
  padding-top: 10rpx;

.activity .location {
  font-size: 28rpx;
  color: #999;
  text-align: justify;

.bottom-tip {
  display: block;
  padding: 40rpx 0;
  font-size: 28rpx;
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.empty_img {
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.t28rpx {
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.imgitem {
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.txtitem {
  display: flex;
  justify-content: center;
  margin-top: 29rpx;
  margin-bottom: 29rpx;

var WxSearch = require('../../wxSearch/wxSearch.js')
var common = require('../../utils/common.js')
var Bmob = require("../../utils/bmob.js");
var util = require('../../utils/util.js');
var app = getApp()
var that;
var smoodList;
  data: {
    buttonClicked: false, //是否点击跳转
    tradeType: 0,
    moodList: [],
    isEmpty: true,
    loading: false,

  choseTradeType: function (e) {
    var tradeType = e.currentTarget.id;
    if (tradeType == 0) this.onShow();
    else if (tradeType == 1) this.setData({moodList: this.data.sportList});
    else if (tradeType == 2) this.setData({ moodList: this.data.gameList });
    else if (tradeType == 3) this.setData({ moodList: this.data.friendList });
    else if (tradeType == 4) this.setData({ moodList: this.data.travelList });
    else if (tradeType == 5) this.setData({ moodList: this.data.readList });
    else if (tradeType == 6) this.setData({ moodList: this.data.contestlist });
    else if (tradeType == 7) this.setData({ moodList: this.data.movieList });
    else if (tradeType == 8) this.setData({ moodList: this.data.musicList });
    else if (tradeType == 9) this.setData({ moodList: this.data.otherList });
      tradeType: tradeType
  onLoad: function () {
    that = this;
    WxSearch.init(that, 43, ['一起', '上自习', '开黑组队', '找驴友', '晚上去嗨', '约步走起']);
    WxSearch.initMindKeys(['一起', '上自习', '开黑组队', '找驴友', '晚上去嗨','约步走起']);

  onShow: function () {
      loading: false
    var molist = new Array();
    var Diary = Bmob.Object.extend("Events");
    var query = new Bmob.Query(Diary);
    query.equalTo("isShow", 1); //只统计公开显示的活动
    // 查询所有数据
      success: function (results) {
        for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
          var publisherId = results[i].get("publisher").objectId;
          var title = results[i].get("title");
          var content = results[i].get("content");
          var acttype = results[i].get("acttype");
          var isShow = results[i].get("isShow");
          var endtime = results[i].get("endtime");
          var address = results[i].get("address");
          var acttypename = getTypeName(acttype);
          var peoplenum = results[i].get("peoplenum");
          var likenum = results[i].get("likenum");
          var liker = results[i].get("liker");
          var isLike = 0;
          var commentnum = results[i].get("commentnum");
          var id = results[i].id;
          var createdAt = results[i].createdAt;
          var pubtime = util.getDateDiff(createdAt);
          var _url
          var actpic = results[i].get("actpic");
          if (actpic) {
            _url = results[i].get("actpic")._url;
          } else {
            _url = "http://bmob-cdn-14867.b0.upaiyun.com/2017/12/01/89a6eba340008dce801381c4550787e4.png";
          var publisherName = results[i].get("publisher").nickname;
          var publisherPic = results[i].get("publisher").userPic;
          var jsonA;
          jsonA = {
            "title": title || '',
            "content": content || '',
            "acttype": acttype || '',
            "isShow": isShow,
            "acttypename": acttypename || '',
            "endtime": endtime || '',
            "address": address || '',
            "peoplenum": peoplenum || '',
            "id": id || '',
            "publisherPic": publisherPic || '',
            "publisherName": publisherName || '',
            "publisherId": publisherId || '',
            "pubtime": pubtime || '',
            "actPic": _url || '',
            "likenum": likenum,
            "commentnum": commentnum,
            "is_liked": isLike || ''
          smoodList = molist;
          var sportlist = new Array(); //运动
          var gamelist = new Array(); //游戏
          var friendlist = new Array();//交友
          var travellist = new Array();//旅行
          var readlist = new Array();//读书
          var contestlist = new Array();//竞赛
          var movielist = new Array();//电影
          var musiclist = new Array();//音乐
          var otherlist = new Array();//其他
          for (var i in molist){
            if (molist[i].acttype == 1) sportlist.push(molist[i]);
            else if (molist[i].acttype == 2) gamelist.push(molist[i]);
            else if (molist[i].acttype == 3) friendlist.push(molist[i]);
            else if (molist[i].acttype == 4) travellist.push(molist[i]);
            else if (molist[i].acttype == 5) readlist.push(molist[i]);
            else if (molist[i].acttype == 6) contestlist.push(molist[i]);
            else if (molist[i].acttype == 7) movielist.push(molist[i]);
            else if (molist[i].acttype == 8) musiclist.push(molist[i]);
            else if (molist[i].acttype == 9) otherlist.push(molist[i]);
            moodList: molist,
      error: function (error) {
        common.dataLoading(error, "loading");

  //js 实现模糊匹配查询
  findEach: function (e) {
    var that = this
    var strFind = that.data.wxSearchData.value;
    console.log("strFind=" + strFind);
    if (strFind == null || strFind == "") {
        title: '输入为空',
        icon: 'loading',
    if (strFind != "") {
      WxSearch.updateHotMindKeys(that, strFind); //更新热门搜索和搜索记忆提示
      var nPos;
      var resultPost = [];
      for (var i in smoodList) {
        var sTxt = smoodList[i].title || ''; //活动的标题
        nPos = sTxt.indexOf(strFind); 
        if (nPos >= 0) {//如果输入的关键字在该活动标题中出现过,则匹配该活动
          resultPost.push(smoodList[i]); //将该活动加入到搜索到的活动列表中
        moodList: resultPost

  // 点击活动进入活动详情页面
  click_activity: function (e) {
    if (!this.buttonClicked) {
      let actid = e.currentTarget.dataset.actid;
      let pubid = e.currentTarget.dataset.pubid;
      let user_key = wx.getStorageSync('user_key');
      wx.navigateTo ({
        url: '/pages/detail/detail?actid=' + actid + "&pubid=" + pubid

  wxSearchInput: function (e) {
    var that = this
    WxSearch.wxSearchInput(e, that);
  wxSerchFocus: function (e) {
    var that = this
    WxSearch.wxSearchFocus(e, that);
  wxSearchBlur: function (e) {
    var that = this
    WxSearch.wxSearchBlur(e, that);
  wxSearchKeyTap: function (e) {
    var that = this
    WxSearch.wxSearchKeyTap(e, that);
  wxSearchDeleteKey: function (e) {
    var that = this
    WxSearch.wxSearchDeleteKey(e, that);
  wxSearchDeleteAll: function (e) {
    var that = this;
  wxSearchTap: function (e) {
    var that = this

function getTypeName(acttype) {
  var acttypeName = "";
  if (acttype == 1) acttypeName = "运动";
  else if (acttype == 2) acttypeName = "游戏";
  else if (acttype == 3) acttypeName = "交友";
  else if (acttype == 4) acttypeName = "旅行";
  else if (acttype == 5) acttypeName = "读书";
  else if (acttype == 6) acttypeName = "竞赛";
  else if (acttype == 7) acttypeName = "电影";
  else if (acttype == 8) acttypeName = "音乐";
  else if (acttype == 9) acttypeName = "其他";
  return acttypeName;


  • 下载密码 lanrenmb
  • 下载次数 38,518次
  • 使用软件
  • 文件格式
  • 文件大小
  • 上传时间 05-21
  • 作者 网友投稿
  • 肖像权 人物画像及字体仅供参考
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