首页 > 小程序教程 > 微信小程序领券中心地址搜索设计制作开发教程


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<view class="page-container">
  <view class="top-container">
    <view class="counpon-oparition-city">
      <view class="city-location-tittle" bindtap="showList()">{{localCtiyName}}</view>
    <scroll-view class="scroll-view_container selected" scroll-x="true" bindscroll="scroll">
      <block wx:for="{{couponCategoryList}}" wx:for-item="item" wx:key="key">
        <view class="flex-sub-box-5 {{ currentTabIndex == item.id ? 'active' : '' }}" bindtap="clickOrderTab" data-index="{{item.id}}">{{item.cateName}}</view>

  <view class="nav">
    <view class="nav-son borders {{shownavindex == 1? 'active' : ''}}" bindtap="listprice" data-nav="1">
      <view class="content">{{priceSelectedName}}</view>
      <view class="icon"></view>
    <view class="nav-son {{shownavindex == 2? 'active' : ''}}" bindtap="listquancheng" data-nav="2">
      <view class="content">{{quanchengSelectedName}}</view>
      <view class="icon"></view>

  <view class="temp temp1 {{priceopen ? 'slidown' : 'slidup'}} {{priceshow ? 'disappear':''}}">
    <view wx:for="{{content}}" wx:key="key">
      <view bindtap="tapPriceCell" data-index="{{index}}">{{item}}</view>
  <view class="temp temp2 {{quanchengopen ? 'slidown' : 'slidup'}} {{quanchengshow ? 'disappear':''}}">
    <view wx:for="{{content}}" wx:key="key">
      <view bindtap="tapQuanchengCell" data-index="{{index}}">{{item}}</view>
  <!--<view class="fullbg {{isfull ?'fullopacity':''}}" bindtap="hidebg"></view>-->

  <block wx:for="{{couponCategoryList}}" wx:for-item="item" wx:key="key">
    <view class="couponSearchList-container" hidden="{{ currentTabIndex != item.id }}">
      <block wx:for="{{couponSearchList[currentTabIndex]}}" wx:for-item="item" wx:key="key">
        <!--<view class="CouponSearchListCell">{{item.doorName}}</view>-->
        <template is="ValuePreferenceCell" data="{{...item}}"></template>

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/** 下拉菜单 */
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/** 搜索列表 */

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  display: flex;
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var app = getApp()
const config = require('../../../config')
var util = require('../../../utils/util.js')
var locationManager = require('../../../utils/locationManager.js')

// 引入SDK核心类 - 腾讯LBS服务(微信小程序原生LBS能力的最佳拍档)
var QQMapWX = require('../../../lbs/qqmap-wx-jssdk.js');
var qqmapsdk;


var selectedCategoryName = ""; /** 当前选中的分类名称 */
var selectedfcName = "";       /** 当前选中的具体类型名称 */

var pageNo = new Array();
var dic = new Array();

var longt = ""
var lati = ""


   * 页面的初始数据
  data: {
    localCtiyName: "定位中...",  /** 当前定位城市 */
    currentTabIndex: 0,
    couponCategoryList: [], /** 好优惠分类列表 */
    couponSearchList: [], /** 好优惠搜索列表 */

    content: [],
    priceAndDistance: [],
    quancheng: [],
    priceopen: false,
    quanchengopen: false,
    priceshow: false,
    quanchengshow: false,
    priceSelectedName: "离我最近",
    quanchengSelectedName: "全城",
    isfull: false,

    shownavindex: ''


  scroll: function (e) {

    // console.log(e)
  clickOrderTab: function (e) {
    //data = {};
    var index = parseInt(e.target.dataset.index)

    this.setData({ currentTabIndex: index })

    /** 选中的分类名字 */
    selectedCategoryName = this.data.couponCategoryList[index]["CategoryName"];
    /** 选中的具体类型名字 */
    selectedfcName = this.data.couponCategoryList[index]["cateName"];

    if (this.data.couponSearchList[index]) {
    } else {
      /** 网络请求: 按条件搜索 */
      this.loadNewData(selectedCategoryName, selectedfcName, this.data.localCtiyName)

   * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载
  onLoad: function (options) {

    var that = this;

      priceAndDistance: ['离我最近', '面额最高'],
      quancheng: ['1千米', '3千米', '5千米', '10千米', '全城']

    // 实例化API核心类
    qqmapsdk = new QQMapWX({
      key: TENCENT_KEY
    /** 获取定位 */
    wx.showLoading({ title: '加载中...', })
    util.getLocation((successRes, failRes) => {

      longt = successRes.longitude
      lati = successRes.latitude

      // 调用接口-逆地址解析
        location: {
          latitude: successRes.latitude,
          longitude: successRes.longitude
        coord_type: 1,//输入的locations的坐标类型,可选值为[1,6]之间的整数,每个数字代表的类型说明: 1 GPS坐标 2 sogou经纬度 3 baidu经纬度 4 mapbar经纬度 5 [默认]腾讯、google、高德坐标 6 sogou墨卡托
        success: function (res) {

          var city = res.result.address_component.city;
          that.setData({ localCtiyName: city });

          /** 首次定位成功 -> 网络请求 */

          /** 请求分类类型 */

        fail: function (res) {
        complete: function (res) {


  // processCouponCategoryData: function (successRes, failRes) {
  //   console.log(successRes)
  //   console.log(failRes)
  // },

  /** 请求分类 */
  requestCouponCategory: function (cityName) {

    var that = this;
    let url = config.couponCategoryUrl

    var para = {
      "city": cityName,
      "country": null

    wx.showLoading({ title: '加载中...' })

    util.RequestManager(url, para, function (res, fail) {


      var dic = new Array()

      var index = 0;

      for (var i = 0; i < res.data.length; i++) {
        let model = res.data[i];
        let array = model["nextCate"];
        for (var j = 0; j < array.length; j++) {
          let model_j = array[j];
          var temp = {};
          temp["id"] = index;
          temp["CategoryName"] = model["cateName"];
          temp["count"] = model_j["count"];
          temp["cateName"] = model_j["cateName"];

          pageNo[index] = 1;


      that.setData({ couponCategoryList: dic })

      if (that.data.currentTabIndex == 0) {
        /** 选中的分类名字 */
        selectedCategoryName = that.data.couponCategoryList[0]["CategoryName"];
        /** 选中的具体类型名字 */
        selectedfcName = that.data.couponCategoryList[0]["cateName"];

        /** 网络请求: 按条件搜索 */
        that.loadNewData(selectedCategoryName, selectedfcName, that.data.localCtiyName)


      // console.log(that.data.couponCategoryList)


  /** 下拉刷新 */
  loadNewData: function (doorCateName, fcName, cityName) {

    pageNo[this.data.currentTabIndex] = 1;

    this.requestCouponSearchList(this.data.currentTabIndex, doorCateName, fcName, cityName)


  /** 上拉加载 */
  loadNewData_NextPage: function (doorCateName, fcName, cityName) {

    pageNo[this.data.currentTabIndex] += 1;

    this.requestCouponSearchList(this.data.currentTabIndex, doorCateName, fcName, cityName);

  /** 好优惠搜索 */
  requestCouponSearchList: function (tabIndex, doorCateName, fcName, cityName) {

    var that = this

    wx.showLoading({ title: '加载中...', })

    var distanceStr = null

    if (that.data.quanchengSelectedName === "1千米") {
      distanceStr = "1000"
    } else if (that.data.quanchengSelectedName === "3千米") {
      distanceStr = "3000"
    else if (that.data.quanchengSelectedName === "5千米") {
      distanceStr = "5000"
    } else if (that.data.quanchengSelectedName === "10千米") {
      distanceStr = "10000"
    } else if (that.data.quanchengSelectedName === "全城") {
      distanceStr = null

      url: config.CouponSearchListUrl,
      data: {
        "pageNum": pageNo[tabIndex].toString(),
        "pageSize": 20,
        "doorCateName": doorCateName,
        "fcName": fcName,
        "position": {
          "distance": distanceStr,
          "latitude": lati,
          "longitude": longt
        "sortType": ("离我最近" === that.data.priceSelectedName ? 0 : 1), //排序方式 0- 距离排序 1-面额最高排序
        "city": cityName,
        "country": null
      header: { 'content-type': 'application/json' },
      method: 'POST',
      dataType: '',
      success: function (res) {

        if (pageNo[tabIndex] == 1) {
          dic[tabIndex] = res.data.data.dataList;
          that.setData({ couponSearchList: dic })

        } else {
          dic[tabIndex] = dic[tabIndex].concat(res.data.data.dataList)
          that.setData({ couponSearchList: dic })


        var couponIdAr = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < that.data.couponSearchList[tabIndex].length; i++) {
          var model = that.data.couponSearchList[tabIndex][i];

        /** 网络请求 - 筛选出用户领取过的未使用的优惠券 */

      fail: function (error) { },
      complete: function () { wx.hideLoading() },


  /** 筛选出用户领取过的未使用的优惠券 (已领取,未使用)*/
  requestReceiveCouponUrl: function (couponIdAr) {
    var that = this;
    let url = config.receiveCouponUrl

    var userId = wx.getStorageSync('userId') //同步获取指定key对应的内容
    if (!userId) {
      // //登录无效 - 跳转到登录界面
      // wx.navigateTo({
      //   url: '/pages/login/login',
      // })

    var token = wx.getStorageSync('token') //同步获取指定key对应的内容
    if (!token) {
      // //登录无效 - 跳转到登录界面
      // wx.navigateTo({
      //   url: '/pages/login/login',
      // })

    var para = {
      "userId": userId,
      "couponIds": couponIdAr

    wx.showLoading({ title: '加载中...' })

    util.RequestManagerWithToken(url, para, function (res, fail) {


      if (res.code == app.globalData.res_success) {

        var index = that.data.currentTabIndex;
        var tempAr = that.data.couponSearchList[index];

        for (var i = 0; i < tempAr.length; i++) {
          var model = tempAr[i];
          for (var j = 0; j < res.data.length; j++) {
            var receivedId = res.data[j];
            if (receivedId == model["couponId"]) {
              //赋值 - 表示该优惠券已经领取
              tempAr[i]["alreadyReceived"] = "ok";

        var newData = that.data.couponSearchList;
        newData[index] = tempAr;

        that.setData({ couponSearchList: newData })
      } else {




  /** 领取优惠券 */
  tapAddCoupon: function (e) {

    var that = this;

    let couponId = e.currentTarget.dataset.couponid

    let url = config.addCouponUrl

    var userId = wx.getStorageSync('userId') //同步获取指定key对应的内容
    if (!userId) {
      //登录无效 - 跳转到登录界面
        url: '/pages/login/login',

    var para = {
      "userId": userId,
      "couponId": couponId

    wx.showLoading({ title: '加载中...' })

    util.RequestManagerWithToken(url, para, function (res, fail) {


      if (res.code == app.globalData.res_success) {

          title: '领取成功',
          icon: 'success',
          duration: 3000

        /** 下拉刷新 - 网络请求: 按条件搜索 */
        that.loadNewData(selectedCategoryName, selectedfcName, that.data.localCtiyName)

      } else if (res.code == app.globalData.token_expired || res.code == app.globalData.token_invalid) {
          url: '/pages/login/login',
      } else {
          title: res["mesg"],
          icon: 'warn',
          duration: 3000

  /** 去使用优惠券 */
  useCoupon: function (e) {
    let couponId = e.currentTarget.dataset.couponid
    let url = "CouponDetail/CouponDetail?couponId=" + couponId

      url: url,


  /** 获取用户优惠券信息 */
  requestUserCouponInfo: function (userCouponId) {


   * 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成
  onReady: function () {


   * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示
  onShow: function () {


   * 生命周期函数--监听页面隐藏
  onHide: function () {


   * 生命周期函数--监听页面卸载
  onUnload: function () {


   * 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作
  onPullDownRefresh: function () {
    this.loadNewData(selectedCategoryName, selectedfcName, this.data.localCtiyName)

   * 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数
  onReachBottom: function () {
    this.loadNewData_NextPage(selectedCategoryName, selectedfcName, this.data.localCtiyName)

   * 用户点击右上角分享
  onShareAppMessage: function () {


  listprice: function (e) {
    if (this.data.priceopen) {
        priceopen: false,
        quanchengopen: false,

        priceshow: false,
        quanchengshow: true,

        isfull: false,
        shownavindex: 0
    } else {
        content: this.data.priceAndDistance,
        priceopen: true,
        quanchengopen: false,

        priceshow: false,
        quanchengshow: true,

        isfull: true,
        shownavindex: e.currentTarget.dataset.nav
  listquancheng: function (e) {
    if (this.data.quanchengopen) {
        priceopen: false,
        quanchengopen: false,

        priceshow: true,
        quanchengshow: false,

        isfull: false,
        shownavindex: 0
    } else {
        content: this.data.quancheng,
        priceopen: false,
        quanchengopen: true,

        priceshow: true,
        quanchengshow: false,

        isfull: true,
        shownavindex: e.currentTarget.dataset.nav
  tapPriceCell: function (e) {
    this.listprice("") /** 点击收起下拉菜单 */
    let index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index
    this.setData({ priceSelectedName: this.data.priceAndDistance[index] })

    /** 下拉刷新 - 网络请求: 按条件搜索 */
    this.loadNewData(selectedCategoryName, selectedfcName, this.data.localCtiyName)

  tapQuanchengCell: function (e) {
    this.listquancheng("") /** 点击收起下拉菜单 */
    let index = e.currentTarget.dataset.index
    this.setData({ quanchengSelectedName: this.data.quancheng[index] })

    /** 下拉刷新 - 网络请求: 按条件搜索 */
    this.loadNewData(selectedCategoryName, selectedfcName, this.data.localCtiyName)

  hidebg: function (e) {

      qyopen: false,
      priceopen: false,
      quanchengopen: false,
      priceshow: true,
      quanchengshow: true,
      qyshow: true,
      isfull: false,
      shownavindex: 0


  • 下载密码 lanrenmb
  • 下载次数 16,674次
  • 使用软件
  • 文件格式
  • 文件大小
  • 上传时间 07-26
  • 作者 网友投稿
  • 肖像权 人物画像及字体仅供参考
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