首页 > 小程序教程 > 微信小程序树芽读书书籍朗读页设计制作开发教程


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                <view class="author">朗读者 : {{bookInfo.author}}</view>
        <!--封面 S-->

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                        <view class="cover-side"></view>
                        <view class="cover-circle">
                            <image src="{{bookInfo.coverUrl}}"></image>

                    <!--书本信息 S-->
                    <view class="subinfo">
                        <view class="item text-left">阅读 {{bookInfo.pvCnt}}</view>
                        <view class="item text-center">
                            <view class="inline-box">
                                <view class="inline-box" catchtap="likeIt" data-bookid="{{bookInfo.bookId}}">
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                                    <image wx:if="{{bookInfo.hasLiked == 1}}" mode="aspectFit" src="../../images/icon/thumb_up_selected@3x.png"></image>
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                    <!--书本信息 E-->
                <!--封底头部 E -->

                <view class="spacing"></view>

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                <view class="comment-panel">
                    <!--没有评论 S-->
                    <view class="comment-none" wx:if="{{isComment == 1}}">
                        <view>暂无评论 ~</view>
                    <!--没有评论 E-->

                    <!-- 一条评论 S-->
                    <view wx:if="{{isComment == 0}}">
                        <view class="comment-item" wx:for="{{comments}}" wx:for-item="Citem">
                            <view class="comment-avatar">
                                <image src="{{Citem.headImgUrl}}"></image>
                            <view class="comment-main">
                                <text class="comment-username">{{Citem.nickName}}</text>
                                <view class="comment-content">{{Citem.content}}</view>
                                <view class="comment-sub">
                                    <text class="comment-time">{{Citem.ts}}</text>
                                    <!--<text class="comment-replay-btn"> 回复</text>-->
                                <!--<view class="comment-replay">
                            <view class="comment-replay-title">作者回复</view>
                            <view class="comment-replay-content">作者回复</view>
                    <!-- 一条评论 E-->
                <!-- 评论 可以组件 E-->
                <!-- 评论 S -->
                <view wx:if="{{showComment}}" class="comment-wrapper">
                    <view class="comment-form">
                        <form bindsubmit="submitComment">
                            <view class="comment-text">
                                <textarea auto-height="true" name="comment" placeholder="评论" />
                            <button form-type="submit" size="mini" class="btn-primary comment-btn" hover-class="btn-primary-hover"> 提交 </button>
                <!-- 评论 E -->

            <!--内部滚动 E-->
        <!-- 书封底面 E-->

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/* 评论 */
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// common utils.js
let utils = require('../../utils/util.js');

// 进度计算器  传入that 和页码index
function timeMeter(that, index) {
  that.data.pagesData[index].playProgress = (that.data.pagesData[index].playTime / that.data.pagesData[index].time) * 100;
  that.data.pagesData[index].playTimeFt = utils.durationFormat(that.data.pagesData[index].playTime);
  // 渲染
    pages: that.data.pagesData
  if (that.data.pagesData[index].playProgress >= 100) {
      pages: that.data.pagesData
  setTimeout(function () {
    that.data.pagesData[index].playTime += 100;
    timeMeter(that, index)
  }, 100)

// 自动播放
function autoPlay(autoPlayArray, index) {
  let waitTime = 100;
  if (index > autoPlayArray.length) {

  setTimeout(function (autoPlayArray, index) {
    if (autoPlayArray[index].audioUrl) {
        filePath: autoPlayArray[index].audioUrl,
        success: function (res) {
    autoPlay(autoPlayArray, index+1);
  }, autoPlayArray[index].time);

// pages/book/book.js

  data: {
    bookInfo: {},  //书本信息
    bookInfoData: {}, // 书本信息不更新到页面

    pages: [],//音频数组,更新到页面
    pagesData: [], // 音频数组,不更新到页面
    pageIndex: -1, // 正在播放的页码
    isPlayingTime: {}, // settimeout
    autoPlay: [], // 自动播放

    swiperTime: 5000, // 轮播图切换时间

    bookId: {}, // 书本ID
    bookReader: {}, // 书本类型 
    // 评论
    commentPageNum: 1, // 评论页码
    comments: [], //评论数量
    isComment: 1, // 是否有评论,0 有, 1 无
    showComment: false // 输入评论

   * 生命周期函数--监听页面加载
  onLoad: function (options) {
    let that = this;
    that.data.bookId = options.bookId;
    that.data.bookReader = options.reader;

    getApp().getAudio(that.data.bookId, function (data) {
      if (data.code == 0) {
        that.data.pagesData = data.payload.bookReadingInfo.pages;
        that.data.pagesData.forEach(function (val, index) {
          that.data.pagesData[index].time = val.duration;
          that.data.pagesData[index].isPlaying = false;
          that.data.pagesData[index].duration = utils.durationFormat(val.duration);
          that.data.pagesData[index].playProgress = 0;
          if (that.data.pagesData[index].time == 0) {
            that.data.pagesData[index].swiperTime = 1000;
          } else {
            that.data.pagesData[index].swiperTime = val.duration - 0 + 1000;
          that.data.pagesData[index].playTime = 1;
          that.data.pagesData[index].playTimeFt = '00:00';
        }, this);
          bookInfo: data.payload.bookReadingInfo,
          bookInfoData: data.payload.bookReadingInfo,
          pages: that.data.pagesData
          title: that.data.bookInfo.title

        // 循环下载文件到本地
        that.data.autoPlay = that.data.pagesData;
        that.data.pagesData.forEach(function (val, index) {
          if (val.audioUrl) {
            // 下载缓存到本地 并且播放
              url: val.audioUrl,
              success: function (res) {
                // 保存到本地 替换原来远程地址
                that.data.autoPlay[index].audioUrl = res.tempFilePath;

        // 自动播放
        // autoPlay(that.data.autoPlay, 0);

      } else {
        console.log("error_code:" + data.msg);

   * 生命周期函数--监听页面初次渲染完成
  onReady: function () {
    let that = this;
    // reader 0 书本  1 朗读 
    getApp().getCommentList(that.data.bookId, that.data.bookReader, that.data.commentPageNum, function (res) {
      if (res.payload.comments.length !== 0) {
        res.payload.comments.forEach(function (element, index) {
          res.payload.comments[index].ts = utils.formatTime(new Date(element.ts * 1000));
        }, this);
          comments: res.payload.comments,
          isComment: 0


   * 生命周期函数--监听页面显示
  onShow: function () {


   * 生命周期函数--监听页面隐藏
  onHide: function () {


   * 生命周期函数--监听页面卸载
  onUnload: function () {


   * 页面相关事件处理函数--监听用户下拉动作
  onPullDownRefresh: function () {


   * 页面上拉触底事件的处理函数
  onReachBottom: function () {


   * 用户点击右上角分享
  onShareAppMessage: function () {


  onVicesTap: function (event) {
    let that = this;
    timeMeter(that, event.currentTarget.dataset.index);
    // 判断播放的页码是否同一
    if (that.data.pageIndex == event.currentTarget.dataset.index) {
      // 同一页面 暂停UI
      that.data.pagesData[event.currentTarget.dataset.index].isPlaying = false;
        pages: that.data.pagesData
    } else {
      // 不是同一页面 上一个页面关闭,这个页面开启
      if (that.data.pageIndex >= 0) {
        that.data.pagesData[that.data.pageIndex].isPlaying = false;
      that.data.pagesData[event.currentTarget.dataset.index].isPlaying = true;
        pages: that.data.pagesData

      // 更新播放页面pageIndex
      that.data.pageIndex = event.currentTarget.dataset.index;

      // 清除 setTimeout
      // 设置自动回复停播状态
      that.data.isPlayingTime = setTimeout(function () {
        that.data.pagesData[that.data.pageIndex].isPlaying = false;
        // 修改播放状态
          pages: that.data.pagesData,
          pageIndex: -1
      }, that.data.pagesData[that.data.pageIndex].time);

    // 下载缓存到本地 并且播放 pagesData
      filePath: that.data.pagesData[that.data.pageIndex].audioUrl,
      success: function (res) {

  // like动作
  likeIt: function (event) {
    let that = this;
    if (that.data.bookInfoData.hasLiked == 1) {
      that.data.bookInfoData.hasLiked = 0;
      that.data.bookInfoData.likeCnt = that.data.bookInfoData.likeCnt - 1;
        bookInfo: that.data.bookInfoData
      getApp().likeAct(that.data.bookInfo.bookId, that.data.bookInfo.reader, 0, function (res) {
    } else {
      that.data.bookInfoData.hasLiked = 1;
      that.data.bookInfoData.likeCnt = (that.data.bookInfoData.likeCnt - 0) + 1;
        bookInfo: that.data.bookInfoData
      getApp().likeAct(that.data.bookInfo.bookId, that.data.bookInfo.reader, 1, function (res) {

  // 评论
  palyComment: function () {
    let that = this;
    if (that.data.showComment) {
        showComment: false
    } else {
        showComment: true

  submitComment: function (event) {
    let that = this;
    if (event.detail.value.comment) {
      getApp().addComment(that.data.bookId, that.data.bookReader, event.detail.value.comment, function (res) {
        if (res.code == 0) {
          res.payload.comment.ts = utils.formatTime(new Date(res.payload.comment.ts * 1000));
          let data = that.data.comments.concat(res.payload.comment);
            title: '评论成功',
            icon: 'success',
            duration: 1000
            comments: data,
            showComment: false,
            isComment: 0
    } else {
        title: '请输入评论内容',
        icon: 'loading',
        duration: 1000


  • 下载密码 lanrenmb
  • 下载次数 21,818次
  • 使用软件
  • 文件格式
  • 文件大小
  • 上传时间 07-26
  • 作者 网友投稿
  • 肖像权 人物画像及字体仅供参考
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